Tag Archives: 720p

Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 27

Episode 27: When You Know The Truth…

Kouta is knocked unconscious by Ryugen’s backhanded attack, and Baron fights Ryugen for acting so cowardly. Meanwhile, Takatora mulls over the idea of having to cull the Earth’s population down to only one billion people through the use of the Sengoku Drivers, remembering back to the days of first developing them, unaware that even then Ryoma was conspiring against him. When Kouta regains consciousness, he explores Helheim once more, only to be approached by someone unexpected…

Revision Notes: I’ve made some fairly significant changes with regard to the Overlord words “linym/linymf”. Because there’s a fairly hefty explanation behind it, I’ve added it to the Revisions list post. CLICK HERE for more details and feel free to discuss the changes in this post here.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 26

Episode 26: Baron’s Genesis Transformation!

Mai wants to know why Kouta has been hiding from her, and he reveals the truth to her about Helheim Forest, as well as the Inves and the fate of Yuuya, upsetting Mitsuzane, who is still under orders from his brother. Meanwhile, Kaito plans to finish his fight with Demushu, thanks to a new gift from Ryoma.

Revision Notes: I’ve altered “Redue’ to “Redyue” on the Revised track as I prefer how the name looks with the Y in it.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 25

Episode 25: Gridon and Bravo’s Ultimate Tag-Team!

After watching Kouta, Mitsuzane, and Zack battle Inves, Jounouchi realizes that the dance team days are over, again. Meanwhile, Kaito tries to tell Kouta about the Overlords, while DJ Sagara is confronted by Ryoma, Yoko, and Sid. After Gaim, Bravo, and Gridon fought the Inves that appeared, Oren and Jounouchi return home but Jonouchi reveals to Oren that the Inves Game is no more, leading Oren to seek out a crack to Helheim.

Revision Notes: Episode title revised to replace Ornac with Gridon. Only affects Revised track.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 24

Episode 24: A New Threat – The Overlords

Baron continues to attempt to defeat the Overlord Inves to no success until Malika suggests a new plan. Mitsuzane tries to get Kouta, now that he has the Peach Energy Lockseed, to track down the Overlords, while also finding out that DJ Sagara has been helping him all this time, leading him to wonder who Sagara really is and what his plans are.

Revision Notes:

  • Overlord dialogue is now subtitled on all tracks. HUGE thanks go to the EXCITE! Subs team for giving me a hand with these as I recovered some of Magenta’s translations from an old dump of /m/, but some lines were still missing. Luckily, I also managed to obtain the original broadcast captions, which we deciphered to the correct hiragana, at which point it could be translated.
  • Episode title for 25 changed on Revised track; more details in Episode 25’s post.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ghost: The Movie – 100 Eyecons and Ghost’s Moment of Truth

Kamen Rider Ghost: The Movie – 100 Eyecons and Ghost’s Moment of Truth

After chasing the mysterious Kamen Rider Dark Ghost, who had suddenly appeared, Tenkuji Takeru arrives at a strange village full of historical figures. Attempting to gather 100 Eyecons, Alain’s dead brother Argos – Kamen Rider Dark Ghost – wishes to create the Ultimate Eyecon and turn everyone on Earth and the Ganma world into ghosts. Meanwhile, Makoto’s father Fukami Daigo is found outside the village. Transforming into Kamen Rider Zero Specter, is Daigo an ally or an enemy?


Ghost returns once more with the Summer movie. Normally, I wouldn’t bother to encode something like this since Over-Time already did it from the BD, but in this case, we’ve got not one, but two commentaries to include!


Up first, we’ve got another Rider Club Radio commentary featuring Jeff and Liam.  Just like previous commentaries, I’ve mixed the movie audio with the commentary so you get the complete package in one track.


The second commentary features Sunglass of Capes and Cool Scarves, Knee of Kneescrubs, and Smithdanigans. Just like the RCR commentary, this is mixed with the movie audio, and the video runs about 20 seconds longer at the end to account for the commentary runtime.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 12

Episode 12: Christmas Special: White Xmas Under Attack!

With Christmas around the corner, Emu runs against time to defeat the Salty Bugster again and save another patient, while Kiriya’s investigation leads him closer to the truth, but his life is in danger when he faces Kuroto’s terrifying new power.

Well, it took a while thanks to a bunch of other work that kept falling into my lap, but Ex-Aid Box 1 is finally done! Boxes 2 and 3 are preordered (and already paid for thanks to all that work), so we’ll be back with more Ex-Aid in mid-July!


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 10

Episode 10: Doctors Out Of Line!

Unable to control the powers of the new Drago Knight Hunter Z Gashat only by himself, Emu discovers that to do so he must convince the other Kamen Riders into join forces with him. Once he tricks them into doing so, the time comes for their showdown with Graphite.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger Complete First Season Batch

Complete First Season Batch

Wait, what? An Akibaranger batch? After all this time?


Yes, it’s not a delusion! I’ve finally stopped playing with my sentai toys long enough to put the Akibaranger Season 1 batch together. It helps that the “Nyaapocalypse” sort of forced my hand, but whatever, it’s finally here!


Contains all 13 episodes from Season 1 in 720p, along with the following fixes:

  • v3 version for Episode 1 (Some minor styling changes to better match later episodes)
  • v2 version for Episode 2 (Some minor styling changes to better match later episodes)
  • v2 version for Episode 3 (Some minor styling changes to better match later episodes)
  • v2 version for Episode 4 (Some minor styling changes to better match later episodes)
  • v2 version for Episode 5 (Some minor styling changes to better match later episodes)
  • v2 version for Episode 12 (Added extra chapter break missing in previous version)

Click on the episode numbers to get the patches if you already have these episodes. Otherwise, the DDL mirrors have been updated with the v2s and of course, the batch includes them.


And to address the question that comes up every now and then: will the Unofficial Sentai return for Season 2 on BD? Yes, absolutely. I can’t say exactly when, but it’ll probably be after ToQGer is finished.

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