Another one in the bag! As I mentioned when I finished OOO, Fourze was my first Rider series and while it took some time to complete, I was glad to revisit it. Meteor’s arc is a little less tedious when you can marathon episodes rather than watching them weekly. Plus, that funky disco transformation tune is still my favorite.
It was fun getting to add the fairly terrible English dub to the episodes we could as well. While the editing had to get creative at times due to missing chunks of audio, I think it came out pretty decent. Give it a listen if you haven’t checked it out already because it’s interesting to say the least.
Anyway, the only major stuff remaining here is the Design Gallery, which I hope to have up tonight or tomorrow, and the final batch. There are a few Director’s Cut editions of some of the episodes, such as the Cosmic States debut and the final episode, but since A: I don’t have those discs and B: there are no subs for them that I am aware of, we won’t be doing them any time soon. Same with the summer movie, since Over-Time’s release was a BD encode anyway, and Aesir didn’t do subs for it. Since the same can be said of the Fourze x Wizard movie, this is pretty much farewell for the Kamen Rider Club.
As for what’s next, as I’ve said before, we’ll be moving forward in order, so Wizard is next. However, before I start on Wizard, I’d like to catch up with a few things I’ve been meaning to finish, those being the completion of Akibaranger Season 1, the 3D encode of OOO Wonderful, and if I can finish it in time, the hybrid HD recut of the Director’s Cut of W Forever. By that point, I should receive the first Ghost BD box (scheduled for mid-April), so those will get done and then we’ll dive into Wizard. This assumes that I don’t decide to just start Wizard sooner anyway. We’ll see. It’s my hope that Wizard will go faster thanks to only having one sub track opposed to the 3 and later 4 that we had for Fourze.
So, look for those other releases in the coming weeks, and whether you like Wizard or loathe it, it should at least look pretty in 1080p, so look forward to that too!