Episode 1: I’m The President, and a Kamen Rider
Japan has entered a new era, one where HumaGears, synthetic lifeforms with human appearances have joined society to assist humanity and usher in the future. When the President of the company behind the HumaGears passes away, his grandson is chosen as his successor and given a dire warning: that the HumaGears will soon be taken over by a secret group planning to eliminate humanity and the only thing can stop them is the power of Kamen Rider Zero-One!

Well, we’re back again with the latest Kamen Rider season, Zero-One! This year, Toei moved to a 3 BD box setup, so Box 1 includes the first 16 episodes, but we’ll have a bit longer of a wait between boxes as a result. We’ve got quite the lineup of subs this time, with Over-Time, both styled and basic versions of GenmCorp, and Izu Subs! Because of the number of scripts, I have to be selective with QC, so the Genm and Izu scripts are spot-checked for timing, spellchecked, and some terminology updates have been made to all the tracks where necessary. If you find any spelling errors or anything, drop me a message here or on Twitter and I’ll add it to the master fix list for the batch. Enjoy!

1080p – Torrent (AniDex) Magnet
720p – Torrent (AniDex) Magnet
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