All posts by OZC

Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 2

Episode 2: Deathblow! Pineapple Kick!

Kouta tries to use his new abilities as Armored Rider Gaim to help out at his part time job, but he only gets in the way. And when Yuuya mysteriously disappears, Kouta wonders if what happened in the forest was real, and now that he is in charge of Team Gaim, it falls to him to lead the group against Team Baron.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 1

Episode 1: Transform! An Orange From the Sky!

While in Zawame City’s Free Performance Zone, Mai and Mitsuzane of the Team Gaim are having a free-spirited dance when members of rival Team Baron scare them away when an Inves Game gets out of hand. When Mai goes to former teammate Kazuraba Kouta to reveal something strange has happened, he reveals that Team Gaim’s leader Yuuya gave him a strange Lockseed, and Mai reveals Yuuya informed her of it as well. The two eventually find a way into the Helheim Forest and discover a strange belt…


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 1

Starting Station: Let’s Go By Special Express Train

When the evil Shadow Line begins to use their train to kidnap children, a young man named Right is amongst those nearly captured. He then sees the prismatic Rainbow Line and its Express trains appear, along with four of the ToQgers, inspiring him to help protect the children with them…

Surprise! Thanks once again to Howling_Snail, we’ve got more Super Sentai! We’ll normally release these in chunks of 4 as ToQGer was the last Sentai series released as single volumes rather than the larger 4-part boxsets we get now, although tonight’s release will just be this first episode. Nothing much to tell here as it’s pretty much business as usual: Over-Time subs on 1080p and 720p encodes.


One thing to note though is that there is no ending sequence on these. The BDs do not seem to include the ending with the train stats, probably because all the credits were put into the opening sequence, and if you look at the TV encodes, aside from what I believe are music credits, there are no other credits during the ending. So, if you are wondering why they are missing, wonder no more. You’ll just have to use your imagination and pretend they are still there.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Revisions & Planned Releases


After getting a lot of really helpful feedback from the discussion post, I’m just about set on what we’re going to be changing for the revised track for Gaim. This post will mostly serve as an archive of what is getting changed and will be moved to a static page once the show starts releasing. For now, I wanted to post this as a normal post so that it’s easy to find.


To start, after a request in the feedback post, I’m going to list all the planned releases we’re going to do at this point. As I’ve said before, the intention is to create a set of unified subs using the revised track so that there will be a consistent set of translations across everything. So, the plan is to release:

  • Complete TV Series (Episodes 1-47)
  • Express Sentai ToQger vs. Kamen Rider Gaim
  • Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Gaim & Wizard: The Fateful Movie War Feud
  • Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider War feat. Super Sentai
  • Kamen Rider Gaim the Movie: Great Soccer Battle! Golden Fruits Cup!
  • Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim: Movie War Full Throttle
  • Kamen Rider Gaim Gaiden: Zangetsu & Baron

Gaim Gaiden 2: Duke & Knuckle is not currently on the list since there are no other subs for it other than TV-N. If we get to the point where we’re done with everything else and there are no other subs, we’ll look at doing a scrub of Gaiden 2.


On to the various changes, I’m going to list these in groups of terms unchanged, terms changing on both tracks, and terms only being changed on the revised track. Some of these were not brought up in the discussion post as they were asked about after the fact or decisions I made just recently and I’m listing them here for completion’s sake.


  • Unchanged:
    • Watermelon Arms
      – After much deliberation, it’s going to stay as-is. When we do the Gaiden, we’ll probably go with “Water Melon” since that’s how they wrote it on the Lockseed set.
    • Zenith Arms
      – I’m opting to leave this as-is. My Japanese-English dictionary would have me turn “Kiwami Arms” into something like “Extreme Arms” and something about that doesn’t feel quite right.


  • Changed on Both Tracks (Revised and Original)
    • Dialogue Font Change
      -The dialogue font has been changed from the original Calibri to Diverda Sans Com Medium (same as the OP lyrics)
    • Wärring > Sengoku
      – I don’t think I need to explain this one.
    • Invess > Inves
      – This one is only a partial change, as I realized that Aesir started using Inves with a single S as the show progressed, so this is more of a revision to make everything uniform than an overall change.
    • Linym(f) > Femushinmu (ADDED 6/7/17)
      – This one needs some explanation. In the original Aesir track, these terms were used frequently when referring to the Overlord race. The name spoken is “Femushinmu”, and when everything is unscrambled via the ciphers involved, it effectively translates to “human”. The Overlords refer to humanity as apes, so most of the time, using “linym(f)” on the original track was fine, and the deciphered track would use “human(s)”. The problem is that early on, one of the Overlords calls a human character “linym” several times, and later, another human character asks an Overlord about the “linym” race. Once deciphered, these read very awkwardly. I decided that since proper nouns like the Overlord names were left as-is, Femushinmu would be treated as such too.

      So, for this, the revised tracks, ciphered and deciphered, use Femushinmu anywhere it was applied to the Overlord race. The original subs retain “linym,” but the deciphered original track uses Femushinmu as well. This was the best compromise to fixing the awkward situations that came up later. 

      This also introduces a few instances where the only ciphered word in a script might be “linym”, so the revised track lacks a deciphered counterpart since it’s unnecessary because of the replacement made. In instances like these, there will only be 3 sub tracks. The Revised track, Original track, and Deciphered Original.


  • Changed for new Revised Track 
    • Names are being reversed to formal Japanese order (i.e. Kouta Kazuraba becomes Kazuraba Kouta)
      – This is mostly because I’m used to names being written in the same order we hear them spoken. 
    • Micchy > Mitchy
      – Since his name is spelled Mitsuzane, it makes more sense to me to use a T when shortening it.
    • Lock Seed > Lockseed
      – This is getting changed since I prefer the single word look, and they are shown on Sid’s iPad as a single word at one point.
    • Ryouma > Ryoma
      – While I’m not changing all the names spelled with a U (Kouta, Ryouji, etc.), I’m changing this one because I like the way it looks better. It also doesn’t help that it’s been spelled Ryoma in Ghost, which I’ve worked on recently, and while that Ryoma’s name is spelled slightly differently in Japanese, it’s a change I prefer.
    • Pineapple Arms: Pulperize & Destroy > Pineapple Arms: Smash & Destroy
      – This is being changed because while the pun is clever, I’m not really a fan of it in the long run. I originally suggested using Over-Time’s “obliterate”, but I settled on “smash” as the translation for “funsai” instead. I think smash works better in connection to the Pine Iron weapon and feels more like a buildup to “destroy”.
    • Dragon, Fire! Bang Bang Bang! > Dragon Cannon! Bang Bang Bang!
      – I decided to create a bit of a hybrid here. Over-Time used Serpent rather than Dragon, but I prefer Dragon. By restoring the weapon name to the transformation, it brings it more in line with Kiwi Arms’ transformation call. I opted to go with Cannon though as I think it flows better than Dragon Gun.
    • Ornac > Gridon
      – We’re going with Gridon. As far as the dialogue where they bring up the name pun and make fun of it, we’ll either use ruby text as a pseudo-TL note, or take a little liberty and rewrite the line. We’ll see. As several people commented, it’s not worth changing the name for an entire series for one quick gag that is quickly left behind.
    • Malika > Marika
      – Changing this one to use the official name since this is close enough anyway. (Added 11/20)
    • Raiment > Jinba
      – Since this is based on an actual Japanese word (jinbaori) and the origin of the word with relation to the dual-Lockseed form never gets particularly explained that I can recall, I’m going with the derivative version over Jimber.
    • Triumphant Arms > Triumph Arms
      – Small change here, but after it was pointed out in the comments, I agree with the tweak.
      – While Zenith won’t be changed, I am opting to use Over-Time’s Lockseed call. I prefer it to the Aesir version, which feels like a stutter, even though I know the Lockseed just chants “dai” over and over.

That about does it for the changes I’ve decided on for now. There may be additional changes later as things come up that I haven’t decided on or have forgotten, at which point this list will be revised. Feel free to comment on the changes but these are what we’re going with so they’re basically locked in. However, if there are additional changes that haven’t been addressed here, go ahead and bring them up in the comments.

Kamen Rider Gaim Pre-Release Feedback

So, with Wizard complete, it’s just about time to start Gaim. But, before we kick things off, there are a few points with regard to the Aesir subs we need to address, and I’d like community feedback for some of these points. 


At this stage, it seems like the best bet is going to be doing 2 tracks. One that is probably 90% untouched, and one that has several modifications.  Obviously, this doesn’t include any potential grammar fixes or whatever. If we do end up going this way, the revised track will likely be the default track, with the untouched track as an alternate. If there are any episode titles that would contain revised terms (I know of at least one), the file names would use those titles rather than the originals.


One thing that will also affect both tracks is the instance of a few lines of Overlord speech that weren’t translated initially and converted to the coded speech. We’d like to translate those lines if anyone would be up for that. I’ll need to find where those lines are since I can’t remember right now, but if anyone would like to help with that, leave a comment below. Those will be included in another alternate set of tracks where appropriate when it starts to come up.


So, if you don’t have a problem with this setup, great. If you are interested in the terms that are candidates for changing (of which a couple are likely being applied across the board), jump ahead and take a look at the list and drop a comment with your thoughts.

Continue reading Kamen Rider Gaim Pre-Release Feedback

Kamen Rider Wizard Wrap Up

Stick a fork in Wizard, it’s done! Or is it…?


Yes, Wizard is done as far as the subbed releases go.  However, while we’ve fallen behind on releasing them, work will resume on the dub recuts, so in a sense, Wizard is far from over. Additionally, from what I could find, Over-Time never re-released the Wizard/Gaim crossover in HD, which means Wizard’s still got one last ride coming up.


The Design Gallery went up last night, so give that a look if you have any interest in the production artwork. We’ll have a batch up in about a week or so. I don’t anticipate any patches being needed but I’ll be double-checking just in case.


As for what’s next, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that since we’ve been going in order, Gaim would, of course, be it. With Gaim, there are some tweaks I’m looking at making to the subs, so before I start releasing it, I want to get some community feedback about how we should handle things. There’s never going to be a 100% perfect solution because of the nature of Gaim’s terminology and how it has to be translated, but my hope is to find some kind of middle ground so that we’ll have something that the greatest majority of people will be happy with. Otherwise, beyond Gaim, I plan to get back to working on cleaning up the Black RX subs and getting those releasing again.


Anyway, look for the Gaim pre-release feedback post in the next couple of days and keep an eye out for more Black RX soon too!

Kamen Rider Wizard Design Gallery

Kamen Rider Wizard Design Gallery

As always when we finish a series and the BDs include them, we’ve ripped the Design Gallery files for Wizard. This set included a number of extra images that we extracted for inclusion here, like images of the Plamonsters and a wide selection of the Wizard and Beast Rings, although strangely, most of the transformation rings are not included. In any case, as always, there is a Flickr gallery and downloads of the PNG collection and the raw BMPs on Mega. Enjoy!

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Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 52

Episode 52: The Kamen Rider Rings

After Gremlin’s defeat, Haruto is lost in a parallel world inhabited by monsters defeated by past Riders, created by an entity called Amadum, who wants to steal the powers of the Kamen Riders for himself. Using the Legend Rider Rings, he will summon the past 13 Heisei Kamen Riders…


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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