Another year gone by, and another Rider series completed, so of course, that means another wrap up post!
Ghost was… well, let me put it this way. Between doing Wizard and Ghost in the last 9 months or so, I’d forgive you if you ran away screaming. I think that about says enough.
For the 2nd year of doing the BDs as they released, I’m still really happy to have been able to release them like that. These quarterly boxes pace the episodes just right so that I don’t get burnt out on a series too quickly. Unfortunately, for Boxes 2 and 3, the yen’s exchange rate wasn’t nearly as favorable as it was during Drive’s run, but it’s managed to pop back up to a comfortable level.
So, the usual question is: what’s next? Like with Drive, our direct involvement is at an end for the most part. The Ghost Summer movie arrived today and is uploading to hand off to Over-Time for encoding and subbing whenever they get time to do so. We’ve also got the Specter V-Cinema in April, which I’ll be picking up, and as soon as it’s up for preorder, the Heisei Generations crossover with Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, and Ex-Aid, which will probably release in May based on previous movies.
The series batch will be posted in the next few days. There will be one v2 for earlier episodes, that being Episode 36 to fix a typo in the subs I forgot to fix. We’ll also be posting the usual design gallery images over the weekend, so look out for those.
Otherwise, Gaim and ToQGer releases will pick back up soon, probably next week. We’ve also got a few Rider BD boxes on the way in the next few months, all of which I’m currently intending to pick up. We have:
- Kamen Rider Amazons Season 1 in early February
- Kamen Rider Decade in early March
- Kamen Rider Ex-Aid BD Box 1 in mid-April
If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that Ex-Aid has been planned since the first box went up for pre-order, and so far, after 14 episodes, I don’t see any reason that’ll change. So, look for those series over the next few months!