Tag Archives: ToQGer

Express Sentai ToQGer Complete Series Batch

Complete Series Batch

All aboard for the ToQGer series batch! The last remaining temporary batch we made after the shutdown of the old Nyaa, containing Episodes 1-18, is now retired and has been removed entirely.


This batch contains:

  • Episodes 1-47
  • Express Sentai ToQGer vs Kamen Rider Gaim – Spring Break Combo Special


No patches have been made for these, so if you already have the individual releases, you’re all set. The early episodes have also been added to KRDL and are available for DDL over there. Enjoy!


EDIT 9/24: I was reminded in the comments that Earthly released a batch of the Everybody’s Train Corner segments that were left out of the BDs, so if you’re interested in grabbing a copy of those as extras, CLICK HERE.


1080p Batch – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p Batch – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 47

Final Station: That Which Shines

The massive Castle Terminal robot’s darkness has engulfed Right and the others along with the whole city. Right cannot face Zed using the darkness and he is unable to imagine himself being victorious. Just when he has run out of options, Tokatti and the others appear to save him. Then, among the darkness, they can see the lights of the lamps for the Star Festival…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 45

Station 45: The Home You Left

With Grita’s help, the ToQGers free their hometown, but the celebration is short-lived as the Rainbow Line President reveals a connection between Right and Zed! Resolving to return his friends home, Right tricks the others and then storms the Castle Terminal himself…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 42

Station 42: Words For You

Right wants to make an assault on Castle Terminal to free Pleiades’ Shore, but Akira and Mio realize that he is being too headstrong. Wagon reveals that she can deliver a letter for them, but it must contain their true feelings of things and Tokatti is not ready to commit to that.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 41

Station 41: The Battle of Christmas

Pleiades’ Shore is discovered to be kept under the Castle Terminal, leading Right and the others to attempt an assault on the castle in order to free their hometown. However, with the power of ToQ #6 at his disposal, Zed fights back, while Noire and Schwarz attempt to free Grita…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 40

Station 40: Who is He? He’s Who?

Akira, having betrayed the ToQGers, joins General Schwarz in his assault on the Castle Terminal, as Grita asserts temporary control over the Emperor’s body. However, after Zed regains control and dispatches Noire, Schwarz and Akira appear, but Emperor Zed captures Akira and departs on his Darkliner!


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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