All posts by OZC

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 16

Episode 16: The Paradox of M’s Defeat

Emu thinks Taiga and Hiiro attacked him since he is the source of stress for Nico, who is suffering the Game Disease. He does not realize the true intention of the other two riders is to eliminate the Bugster virus residing in Emu himself, who is unknowingly infected with the disease as well…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 15

Episode 15: A New Challenger Approaches!

Taiga tries to find out more about Emu’s infection and starts to discover the secret that Kiriya was killed over. Meanwhile, using data collected from fights with Mighty Brothers XX, Parad makes his move and reveals his new form: Kamen Rider Para-DX Level 50.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 14

Episode 14: We’re Kamen Rider!

Wanting to save Dr. Shirakawa, Emu asks Hiiro to perform a surgery on his cancer. He has his Gashat back and faces the Bugster to also cure Shirakawa’s game illness. Will the surgery succeed? What will happen to Ex-Aid?! And what of his new split form?


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 13

Episode 13: A Predetermined Destiny!

With the Bugster infection spreading rapidly, the authorities can’t hide the disease from the public anymore. After Kiriya’s death, Kuroto starts targeting the other Kamen Riders for their Gashats, but Parad approaches Emu, offering him a blank double Gashat which will allows him to attain a new level of power…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Complete Series Batch

Complete Series Batch

Now that Gaim’s complete, as always, it’s time for the batch. The temporary batch for Episodes 1-23 that was released after Nyaa went down has been removed and will no longer be seeded.


This batch contains:

  • Episodes 1-47
  • Express Sentai ToQGer vs Kamen Rider Gaim – Spring Break Combo Special

One patch is available for Episode 13 to correct a name spelling change that occurred later in the series. The batch includes the v2 and the DDLs have been updated as well, or you can use the patch linked on the episode post if you already have the v1.


1080p Batch – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p Batch – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Design Gallery

Kamen Rider Gaim Design Gallery

Once again, it’s time for a design gallery, this time for Gaim! This is another one with no equipment images, but we get all the Riders, plus helmet closeups, as well as Inves and Overlord art. I’ve included the pieces from the Gaim Gaiden films as well. Mega downloads are available as always, along with the usual Flickr gallery. Enjoy!

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Kamen Rider Gaim Gaiden – Kamen Rider Zangetsu & Kamen Rider Baron

Kamen Rider Gaim Gaiden – Kamen Rider Zangetsu

Takatora is continuing preparations of Project Ark, which would mean the salvation of humanity at the cost of numerous lives. But Takatora’s resolve in seeing this through is put in question after a conversation with Kouta. The caretaker formerly employed by the Kureshima family, Akatsuki Touka, makes an appearance before Takatore. Both are very happy to meet again, but on a depressing note as the Kureshima brothers learn that their father had passed away. At the same time, a mysterious Rider sets their sights on Mitsuzane and searching for clues, Takatora uncovers the truth of his father’s past…

Kamen Rider Gaim Gaiden – Kamen Rider Baron

Kaito continues his search for the Overlords after being egged on by Ryoma. Meanwhile, the heir of a foreign country, Shapur, visits Zawame discovers that Kaito looks identical to him. Eager for some freedom, Shapur finds Kaito, sedates him and steals his clothes, then appears before the Beat Riders posing as Kaito. Kouta and the others cannot believe their eyes when they see who they believe to be Kaito dancing with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Kaito is mistaken for Shapur and taken by Shapur’s butler Alfred. Alfred then deduces Kaito’s identity and locates Shapur’s location, tasking Oren to dispose of him…

Our last Gaim release for a while comes once again with three sub tracks. OrangeLion provides the base translation, and as always, a revised track and hybrid track are included.


Revision Notes:

  • Watermelon Lockseed is named Water Melon as on the DX toy to differentiate between the Suika/Watermelon and this one. (Revised and Aesir hybrid tracks)
  • Adjusted line timing to avoid lines being displayed for too little time (Revised and Aesir hybrid tracks)


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim – Movie Wars Full Throttle


Kamen Rider Gaim: The Last Charge to the Stage

A mechanical lifeform arrives on the planet Kouta and Mai settled on and introduces itself as Megahex, a being that seeks to assimilate all life. Megahex kidnaps Mai and fights Kouta while obtaining data from his memories, which he uses to open a portal to Earth in order to attack it. Despite his power as an Overlord, Gaim is defeated and seemingly destroyed by Megahex over the skies of Zawame City before the astonished eyes of the other Beat Riders. Mitsuzane, being the only Rider left with his Sengoku Driver, steps up to fight back…

Kamen Rider Drive: A Duel With Lupin

As the police confronts a criminal known as Ultimate Lupin, Shinnosuke and Kiriko discover that the thief is actually a Roidmude. After several confrontations in which Lupin escapes from Drive, Mr. Belt takes Shinnosuke to an abandoned mansion where they discover that Cyberoid ZZZ, an artificial Roidmude created by Krim, is missing. Lupin then appears and reveals that he is actually ZZZ, who came to life upon coming into contact with an old, dying master criminal known as Zoruku Tojo. Becoming Kamen Rider Lupin, Tojo battles Drive, leading Krim to make the ultimate sacrifice…

Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim – Movie Wars Full Throttle

With Megahex having merged with ZZZ, the Armored Riders make their stand, as Drive arrives, having followed Megahex’s perfected form. As enemies, allies, and fallen friends join together to stop Megahex, Gaim and Drive receive new powers from Mai and take the fight to the Megahex homeworld to end it once and for all…

Like previous movies, we’ve got 3 tracks here, with the revised version, an Over-Time/Aesir hybrid, and the original Over-Time track. Not much was changed here other than the typical revisions.


Revision Notes:

  • Updated Zork Tojo to Zoruku Tojo on Revised track.
  • Changed some Drive terminology to use the translations from Aesir’s subs of the Drive previews (MI-D vs SCU, etc.) on Aesir hybrid track.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Wrap Up

Well, it’s been a long road, but we’re finally here. Gaim is effectively done, and the “Neo-Heisei” era BDs are now caught up! This project was a lot more involved than the previous ones, where it was more-or-less “slap existing subs onto BD encodes and fix a few minor errors”. Whether you want to look at this as a scrub or just a general unifying revision of multiple subgroups’ translations into one, I’m personally very happy with the results and I hope everyone else is too. If you aren’t, well, that’s why the Aesir subs are included.


So, like many of the other shows, we’re not entirely done with Gaim-related releases. Because of the whole terminology revisions we’ve done, we’re going to be releasing several post-series installments, starting with the Drive/Gaim crossover. I’m particularly happy about that one because as I mentioned back in Drive’s wrap up, Drive is my favorite Rider, so any excuse to drop back in there is welcome. After that, we’ll be doing revisions to Gaim Gaiden Zangetsu & Baron as well. Those will hopefully be out in the next week or so, as time permits for me to do a check pass on them.


Regarding Gaim Gaiden 2, the only translation currently available is from TV-N, and while I considered doing a scrub of that, I’ve been in discussion with a group who might be interested in doing a full translation of it.  Their availability is limited until this fall, so it won’t be getting done anytime soon, but I’d rather wait if it means getting a proper translation. That’s all I have to say on this for now, especially as to which group it is that expressed interest in order to keep people from bugging them about whether they’ll do it.


As usual, a batch release is coming soon. Right now, I only know of one patch I’ll be doing, to revise a name spelling that was changed later on that I forgot about. It’s a fairly non-critical one (Peco > Peko), but I’d rather update it. I do know of a couple instances of some missing exclamation points on some of the belt calls but those are so trivial that I won’t bother patching those. We’ll also have a design gallery coming in a few days as well, once I have time to extract and sort the images.


As for what’s next, since we’re now caught up with current shows, there are a few things we’ll be jumping back into. First up, Ex-Aid Box 2 and Zyuohger Box 4 are coming in a couple more weeks, so we’ll be knocking those out. After that, work will resume on ToQGer to head towards finishing that. For the Rider fans, we’ll be returning to the Wizard dubs now that some time has passed and I’m not also working on all the revisions to Gaim. I’m also finally going to return to working on Black RX, and likely re-releasing the first two episodes since I want to make some additional changes. I’m also working on some OOO and Fourze DCs that I posted about on Twitter a few weeks back, so hopefully, those will be available soon. Lastly, the Decade project is still planned but hasn’t really started yet, so I’ll have more details on that when I can share them.


If you’d told me almost 4 years ago that I’d have encoded and released 7 1/2  Kamen Rider shows (Amazons S1 and Ex-Aid Box 1 count for that extra half) by now, I don’t know that I’d have believed you, but here we are. Still can’t quite believe it myself. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me on this journey so far and there’s still a lot more to come!