Tag Archives: Kamen Rider Fourze

Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 41

Episode 41: All Club Activity Ceases

The Virgo Zodiarts begins attacking other members of the Kamen Rider Club, scaring them away from the club, blocking Fourze from accessing Cosmic States. However, Tachibana arrives on Earth to show Gentarou a way to fight with other abilities at his disposal.

The English dub on this episode is missing a few seconds of audio just after the episode title leaves the screen. There wasn’t a source to replace it with, so it’s just left silent.

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Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 40

Episode 40: Of Values and Passion

As the Taurus Zodiarts, Sugiura continues to stifle everyone’s creativity, but Ryusei, using Meteor to mask his identity, challenges him to a game of golf to get everything back to the way it was, while Gentarou and Yuuki try to find out why Yuuta had changed.

This episode’s dub file has a couple of spots where the audio drops out. We didn’t have an alternate source for this one like the others that needed fixes, so we just had to leave the damaged spots silent. It only makes up about 2 seconds of audio overall, so it’s not too bad.

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Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 37

Episode 37: Selecting the Star Pupil

Gentarou, Yuuki, Kengo, Tomoko, Ryusei, student council president Sugiura, the former Pyxis Zodiarts Hiroki Makise, and transfer student Elleen Suda begin a training program in a closed environment and endurance test, but Kengo’s weak constitution and the arrival of the Aquarius Zodiarts cause trouble for the group.

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Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 36

Episode 36: Our Last Performance Together

Fourze must defeat both the Capricorn Zodiarts and the Zodiarts’ song that has enraptured the school, but with Cosmic States out of commission after Gentarou’s bond with JK is severed, can he find a way to rebond and restore his power?

A quick shoutout to Kitsunelaine for hooking me up with a copy of the dub for this episode from an alternate rip, as my recording dropped a bunch of the audio. I was able to merge the missing bits in from that file with my own to restore it to a complete track.

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Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 35

Episode 35: Monster Live On-Air

An internet radio show started up by the mysterious DJ Gene, soon discovered to be none other than JK, grabs the school by storm. He starts up a musical contest, which grabs the attention of the Kamen Rider Club and a fellow student who turns out to be the Capricorn Zodiarts, one of the new Horoscopes appearing at AGHS.

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Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 34

Episode 34: Sky Hole Counter-Offensive

The Kamen Rider Club must work to stop the Libra and Leo Zodiarts from destroying the last two altars in Kyoto that are regulating The Hole’s Cosmic Energy. In the process, Kengo finally learns the circumstances of his father’s death.

Starting with this episode, as a bit of a comedy bonus, we’re including the English dub of the series as alternate audio track. These were captured from a streaming site out of Singapore (Toggle.sg), and have been synced to the Blu-ray. There is also a signs track for the OP, titles, and other signs taken from the Over-Time track, plus I’ve added the fades where the commercial breaks were inserted into the dub version. The audio fades early during these breaks, but that’s how the streams had it, so there wasn’t much to do to correct that, but the softsubbed fades should make it a little less distracting.


One interesting thing to note is that the dub appears to have used the Over-Time script as their translation, as nearly everything is a line-for-line match, with the most obvious exception of “transform” being changed back to “henshin” (or “hensheen” as they pronounce it).


I’ve added tracksets to this episode to help make switching the subtitles and audio a little faster. I’ve used these for several years on my anime releases to pair up the appropriate audio and sub tracks. To my knowledge, this feature is still exclusive to Haali’s splitter, but hopefully it adds a little bit of extra convenience. Enjoy!

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Kamen Rider Fourze Episode 33

Episode 33: Chaos in Old Kyoto

The third-year class goes on a field trip to Kyoto where they believe they will be free from the Zodiarts for once, but are ambushed by the Libra and Leo Zodiarts. While there, Kengo meets one of his father’s old friends. Meanwhile, a enamored girl is determined to snag Gentarou’s heart, and poor Yuki is forced to help…

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