At last, our first Super Sentai wrap up post and what a fantastic series it’s for!
First off is the requisite shout-out to Howling_Snail who has been incredibly generous by sharing these BDs with me for these releases. I have a fairly flexible entertainment budget, but I simply can’t swing the cost of both the annual Rider BDs and the Super Sentai BDs as well, so this release is entirely possible thanks to him. Along those lines, as always, thanks go out to the Over-Time crew for all their work with the subs every year too. Couldn’t do it without you guys.
I’d actually slept on Zyuohger after Ninninger left me less than impressed, but the Gokaiger team-up forced me to go back and watch from the beginning because the Zyuohger cast was just fantastic, and I’m glad it ended up being our first full Super Sentai release. It was a lot of fun and a show I’d highly recommend to anyone, especially if you’re looking to get into Super Sentai.
The usual series batch is on the way and will include a handful of Clean OPs from the BDs, since the Sentai BDs include them, unlike the Rider BDs. Don’t ask me why that is because it beats me. Beyond that, I think we’re done with Zyuohger at this point since I don’t foresee any plans to encode any of the movies. I also don’t expect any v2 patches for anything but I’ll be double-checking for anything I may have noted that I’m forgetting about.
We’ll be jumping back into ToQGer episodes at last in the next week or two, schedule permitting. As you may know if you follow me on Twitter, I’m actually working a second job these days that has to take priority over the encodes and I often get projects dropped in my lap at a moment’s notice, so while I try and announce my intentions for when I want to release things, it hasn’t always worked out as I’d like. However, this other job allows me greater flexibility to keep buying BDs, so I think the trade-off of some delays is worth it. Anyway, I’ve been working on ToQGer similar to how I finished off Gaim earlier this year by working on the episodes ahead of time so that I just have to sit down and do batches of QC passes.
Also, to address something that has been mentioned, I’ll be finishing an overhaul of the Completed Series page and finishing the population of the Sentai checksums page, so any missing things on both of those pages will be taken care of soon, probably by the end of this week.
Last, I’ve confirmed with Howling_Snail that he will be picking up Kyuranger, so we’ll be continuing the Super Sentai releases with those soon! The first box releases next month, although, between Howling_Snail’s schedule for next month and the time to upload the BDs to me, it’s possible we won’t get started until October. Either way, it’s coming, so watch for that soon!