All posts by OZC

Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 18

Station 18: When I Call Your Name

Although Zaram has left the Shadow Line and has become ToQ #6, he does not wish to remain with the ToQGers. When Ring Shadow traps people by putting rings with their names on their heads, Zaram, who should have eschewed his old Shadow name, must find a way to help the others and escape his former shackles as a Shadow.


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Complete Series Batch

Complete Series Batch

A bit delayed due to my vacation, but the Ex-Aid series batch is here at last!


This batch contains:

  • Episodes 1-45
  • Kamen Rider Brave – Survive and Live On! Revival of The Beast Riders Squad!

The Snipe Episode Zero files are not included as those are currently incomplete and it is unclear if we’ll be doing Episode 4 due to a lack of RTA subs for that episode. In the future, if we do additional supplemental material like either of the HBVs, we might release an additional “Side Content” batch.


There are a few patched episodes in this batch as well:

  • Episode 4: Corrected several belt sounds on RTA track
  • Episode 14: Corrected a typo in RTA track
  • Episode 15: Corrected a belt sound in RTA track
  • Episode 45: Corrected a belt sound and a typo in RTA track

Patches for all of these can be obtained in the episode posts linked above. DDLs have also been updated with the v2s.


1080p Batch- Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p Batch- Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Space Sentai Kyuranger Episode 18

Space 18: Emergency Dispatch! Space Heroes!

Madako has stolen the Pyxis Kyu Globe that the Kyurangers are using to find the Argo! The Kyurangers chase after her but she escapes through a black hole in space! It is said that 99% of those who enter a black hole do not return. Lucky shows no hesitation when he plunges in the black hole himself, but who he meets on the other side are…?!


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Space Sentai Kyuranger Episode 17

Space 17: Light Up the Dark Dome!

With Champ’s defeat, The Orion is filled with dark shadows. The Kyurangers feel they need to find the Carina Kyu Globe as soon as possible in order to compensate for Champ’s condition. But the Pyxis Kyu Globe has not completed its charge yet, so they once again head to Earth to try and free more people from Jark Matter, where they find themselves inside a very dark dome, of which the inside reflects the Kyuranger’s emotions…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Space Sentai Kyuranger Episode 16

Space 16: Stinger’s Reunion with his Brother

Stinger and Champ have been working together in order to track down Scorpio when they encounter a Consumarz with an alien inside with an attack much like a stinger. He is the Jark Matter Menaster from the Scorpius System, Scorpio. Confronting the killer of Doctor Anton, Champ goes after Scorpio, and Stinger cannot help but notice that his brother has changed…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Space Sentai Kyuranger Episode 15

Space 15: The Savior of the Ocean Planet, Vela

The Pyxis Kyu Globe’s Kyu Energy has been restored once again. Now that the Kyurangers have the Puppis Kyu Globe in their possession, they head to the Ocean Planet, Vela. However, the planet’s ocean is being polluted by the presence of Jark Matter! The Kyurangers reach a village where the people are honoring a ritual for the restoration of the sea. But the one they are honoring… is the Vela Kyu Globe!


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Space Sentai Kyuranger Episode 14

Space 14: Dancing in the Space Ryugu Palace!

Depressed about his bad luck with the Kyulette, Garu wonders if he’s not starting to channel Lucky’s own streak of bad luck. However, a new plan is underway as the Kyurangers have gotten word that Jark Matter is restricting luxury and imprisoning people within the Space Ryugu Palace. In order to free the people from the palace, the Kyulette decides the ones to lead the rescue operation. Garu anxiously waits for his turn…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Space Sentai Kyuranger Episode 13

Space 13: Stinger Challenges His Brother

Surprised by the momentum they have gained, the Kyurangers believe they should be able to retrieve the other two Argo Kyu Globes without any problems. But they’re surprised that the Pyxis Kyu Globe does not move! Apparently, it uses up a lot of Kyu Energy in order to work. Because of this delay, the Kyurangers move to free more of Earth when they find themselves face to face with the Scorpius System’s Menaster…


1080p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

Download Subtitle Script

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Wrap Up

Well, once again, we come to the end of another Rider series and as usual, a wrap up post comes with it! So, let’s get to this!


Ex-Aid was a lot of fun and really defied my expectations. I said on Twitter that we shouldn’t judge the show by the first look at the Rider we got ahead of the show airing, and I definitely stand by that. Ex-Aid looks ridiculous, but it’s a show that marries some surprising themes and manages to make it work. Definitely among my top Rider shows. Plus, the show has Neo Dan Kuroto, and if you’ve seen my Twitter for the last few days, you’ve seen why that’s a high point.


Of course, none of this would have been possible without the subs from both Excite and RTA.  Huge thanks to everyone involved as always!


We’ll still be returning to Ex-Aid in the future, at least with the 3rd Snipe episode, and hopefully the 4th at some point. The same goes for any further releases that end up with dual subs from Excite and RTA. The True Ending film comes out in a couple weeks and although I’ll be on vacation at AGDQ, I have plans in place to get the disc ripped and uploaded, so there should be no delays for that. The V-Cinema trilogy is also something I’ve preordered, although I’m getting the 3-in-1 boxset, so it will arrive in early April, 2 weeks after the release of the first of the three films. Lastly, I’ll most certainly be picking up Heisei Generations Final, so there will be plenty of Ex-Aid in the future, whether we’re just providing the sources or doing our own encodes too.


Now, the bad news: The Ex-Aid BDs did not include any design gallery images. I know, I’m disappointed too. Maybe they’ll include them on the movie or V-Cinema discs? They’ve done supplemental images before, but who knows. In any case, there won’t be a design gallery for Ex-Aid unless they include them later.


The usual batch will be on the way shortly, probably around the middle of next week. There will be a handful of v2 files in it to fix some errors I missed before. There may be a couple minor extras included, and the batch will not include the Snipe episodes since we don’t have a complete set yet. The Brave episode will probably be included though. Also, I’ll be catching up the checksums databases in the next few days, probably when I release the batch to account for the v2s.


Lastly, while I announced this one Twitter a while back when it went up for preorder, we’ll be continuing on with Kamen Rider Build, starting in March. The 2nd Season of Amazons is also scheduled for February, so we’ll be doing that when it comes out too. Regarding Decade, which I get a fair number of questions about, I don’t have any news on that project yet and as soon as I do, it’ll be posted on Twitter and Discord, so sit tight on that front. Any other Rider projects (Wizard dub, Black RX) are on the back burner while I catch up on some Sentai stuff.