Episode 22: Kicking Your True Nature
Gentarou and the others are convinced that their new homeroom teacher is the Zodiarts that is currently rampaging, however, Ryusei figures out that the culprit is not their teacher.

A couple of notes to go along with this episode were originally included on the Aesir tracks during the sponsor bumps after the OP and preview. Since we cut those bumps out, there was nowhere to put those notes, so we commented them out and are including them here.
- A Rakugo Story: A man and his friends are talking about what scares them. The man isn’t scared of any of the things his friends are. They ask him what he’s scared of, and he replies “bean buns.” So they bring the man a big plate full of bean buns. But rather than being afraid, the man just starts eating all the bean buns… (begin episode)
- At the start of the rakugo recital, the girl is reciting part of Jugemu, the routine the Rakugo Club were practicing last ep. The “Norway” joke was originally about an escalator, punning “You don’t walk on it.” (arukanai yo) with “Is there? I don’t think so!” (Aru ka? Nai yo!). Finally, the prudent student joke originally punned “transfer student” (tenkousei) with “quite the character” (koseiteki).

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