All posts by OZC

Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 4

Station 4: Don’t Forget Your Personal Belongings

When having some time off at a station stop, Tokatti loses his Rainbow Pass somewhere, forcing him to follow the others on standard forms of transportation. While Right, Hikari, and Kagura battle Stove Shadow, Mio helps Tokatti search for his missing pass.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 8

Episode 8: Baron’s Newfound Power, Mango!

After his defeat at the hands of Bravo, Kaito believes he is no longer strong enough and seeks out a new strength. While Kouta seeks out a new job, Mai finds herself trapped in the Helheim Forest again, forcing Kouta and Mitchy to go and rescue her.

Revision Notes: I’ve added translations for Mai’s text message she sends to Mitchy and Kouta on the revised track. I also adjusted the line when Kouta attacks the Inves using Pineapple Arms as I wasn’t a fan of the “pine-scrap-ple” line (if you know what scrapple is, you might know why…) Instead, I changed it to “crush you like pineapple chunks!” because it keeps a bit of a pineapple joke (crushed pineapple chunks) and changed “into” to “like” since the Inves isn’t made of pineapple.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 7

Episode 7: Wrecking Ball Watermelon, Big Bang!

After easily defeating both Kurokage and Gridon, Kamen Rider Bravo steals their Lockseeds and sets his sights on defeating all of the Armored Riders. Kouta is angered that Oren has made it his mission to defeat all of the Armored Riders, but Kaito just tells him to beat him to get it over with. Before long, Bravo issues a challenge to Baron, but it is not Baron who he is really after.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Wizard Complete Series Batch

Complete Series Batch

Don’t want to click on 53 individual torrents to get Wizard? Good, now you don’t have to!


This batch contains Episode 1-53 in either 1080p or 720p. No v2s have been issued for these so if you already have these, you won’t need to re-download them.


1080p Batch – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p Batch – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 6

Episode 6: The Durian Rider Enters The Fray!

Hase and Jounouchi transform into Armored Riders Kurokage and Gridon, but something strange happens during their fight with Baron against Gaim and Ryugen. Later, Kouta tries to get a part-time job at a pastry shop, only to be run off by the owner…

Revision Notes: I’m going to do these when I make certain changes to specific episodes on the revised track. If there aren’t any notes, any changes are either very minor or there aren’t any changes beyond the generally listed ones. As always, feel free to leave your comments, good or bad, or questions in the comments and I’ll address them as needed.


For this episode, we reach the infamous Gridon pun scene. I opted to go loose with it and ditch the specific donguri-G(u)ridon gag and simply have Jounouchi complain about Hase naming him, and the Gaimers just comment on the name “Gridon” being stupid on its own rather than mocking the pun specifically.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Express Sentai ToQGer Episode 2

Station 2: We Are Here

The ToQGers arrive at a train station taken over by the Shadow Line which has been renamed “Duel Meadows”, controlled by the Shadow Line’s Saber Shadow who makes everyone duel. Right and the others do their hardest to protect a boy who is scared at what the Shadow Line has done to his neighborhood and figure out a way to end the Shadow Line’s control.


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 4

Episode 4: Debut! The Grape Third Rider!

Kouta and Kaito split up, each after their own goal in the Helheim Forest. Kaito begins collecting Lockseeds to further his power in Zawame, while Kouta searches for the missing Yuuya, but finds himself in battle against a greater enemy: a white Rider. Meanwhile, with Kouta missing as well, Mitsuzane approaches Sid, demanding his own Sengoku Driver…


1080p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

720p – Torrent (Nyaa)   Magnet

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