All posts by OZC

Kamen Rider Kiva The Movie: King of the Infernal Castle

Kamen Rider Kiva The Movie: King of the Infernal Castle

When a powerful new foe known as the Legendorga arises in 2008, Wataru investigates the mystery behind the crisis, which brings him in contact with a man Nago once knew, Shiramine Takato, whose 3WA also possess their own Rider System. When Shiramine explains how everything began in 1986, Wataru uses Castle Doran’s Time Door to travel back in time, leading him to meet his father face-to-face at last. But has Wataru managed to change the future, or will the Legendorga still rise and enslave humanity?


Time for Kiva’s movie, which once again, we’re happy to present in both the original Theatrical Cut and the extended Director’s Cut as included on the complete movie box BD set! This movie is another one of those classic Rider films where the entire timeline of things makes absolutely no sense and conflicts with series canon, so it’s really just a fun diversion at best.  Enjoy!



Theatrical Cut 720p – Torrent (AniDex)    Magnet

Director’s Cut 720p – Torrent (AniDex)    Magnet

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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 24

Episode 24 – Emperor: Golden Fever

After Jiro’s attack, Otoya is rescued by Ryoko and Shinji, who nurses him back to health, and he inadvertently repays the favor when he interrupts Maya as she’s about to eliminate Shinji. At the same time, Jiro has taken Yuri hostage and loses control, madly declaring that she’ll be his forever, but the admission she makes shocks him. In 2008, as Ryoko’s illness takes a turn for the worse, Shinji takes her to the tree they planted 22 years ago, but when Nago confronts him, he flips into a rage and attacks Mio, upsetting Wataru and unleashing a new power…


720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 23

Episode 23 – Variation: Fugitives Forever

In 1986, Ramon and Riki’s massage parlor is shut down for operating without a permit, so Jiro arranges for them to work at Mal d’Amour, leading Otoya to give Riki advice on love. Meanwhile, Maya is continuing to eliminate Fangires who have fallen in love with humans, but one Fangire named Shinji manages to escape her as he struggles with his relationship. In 2008, Megumi convinces Mio to model with her when one of the other models is ill, leading Wataru into a confrontation with the Grizzly Fangire!


720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 22

Episode 22 – Overture: An Intersection of Fates

As Otoya works to help Yumi gather money, the Luxur store manager continues to attack patrons, until Shima explains what’s been going on and a trap is set to catch the Fangire. In 2008, Wataru learns the name of the awkward waitress he met before, and after running into her again, the pair hit it off as Mio asks Wataru on a date.


720p – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Hibiki Wrap Up

At last, after just shy of nine months, Hibiki comes to a close!


Gotta give huge thanks to Shushutto Subs for the scripts, BlaisingLion for help with funding the BD sets, and to FortMax for her invaluable help with getting the VFR working for the 2nd OP!


Hibiki is definitely an interesting Rider series in just how un-Rider-like it feels for much of it. It’s no surprise Toei gave something like this a shot after 5 years of what we’d consider more traditional Riders, and while the level of success is debatable, especially given the staff shakeups for the last 3rd, it still makes for a very unique series that I don’t think we’ll see again as we’ve rolled into the Reiwa era. Still, I really enjoyed it and found it even better on a rewatch for the BDs. Also, I don’t care what anyone says, the first OP is one of my favorite Rider OPs.


As is typical, a batch will come out for this soon, with a few v2s confirmed right now, mostly to address some small timing issues I’ve noticed with certain signs. Right now, I would expect to probably see the batch show up around Thanksgiving as I’ll have some time off from work then where I won’t be busy with other obligations.


As for what’s next, since Hibiki had stolen Kiva’s slot in the release lineup due to technical delays on Kiva’s scripts, that resulted in the unusual situation of releasing two catalog Rider titles at the same time. Now that Hibiki is done, Kiva will get the sole Rider focus other than Zi-O Box 4 in December. However, that doesn’t mean planning hasn’t already started for what will come after THAT, and while I’ve mentioned it before, we’ll be moving forward from Hibiki and back from Kiva and doing Kamen Rider Kabuto! Obviously, there’s no scheduled start for this because Kiva is less than halfway done, but rest assured it’s coming! Otherwise, look for more Kiva to keep the Rider releases going strong!

Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 48

Final Volume: A Dream of Tomorrow

Leading the Oni, Hibiki brings Orochi to a halt and purifies the earth as the ancient writings described. One year later, Asumu has moved on from Takeshi and the Oni and now interns at a hospital in his quest to find his own path to helping people. But when Mochida is captured by the Man and Woman as a new specimen for their experiments, Asumu’s path leads him back to Hibiki, Kyousuke, and the other Oni once again!


720p 60fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p 30fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 47

Volume Forty-Seven: Words to Follow

Coming to terms with what dying without regrets means to him, Asumu decides to walk away from his Oni training, leaving Hibiki seemingly disappointed, but with Orochi imminent, there’s no time to swell on it. Hibiki, Ibuki, and Todoroki set out to complete the ceremony, but Hibiki tricks the other Oni and escapes with his drumsticks, setting out for the purification site as the final battle begins…


720p 60fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p 30fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 46

Volume Forty-Six: Mastering the Oni Way

Leading the Oni to a stone with ancient Oni script on it, the Man and Woman make their next move towards preventing Orochi, but the cost of stopping it may be too much for Ibuki to bear. Meanwhile, Kyousuke becomes increasingly obsessed with becoming an Oni, with his focus on his training consuming him, while Asumu questions what it means to put your life on the line to protect others…


720p 60fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p 30fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 45

Volume Forty-Five: Zanki’s Glorious Death

Despite seeing him fall in battle, Ibuki is shocked to see Zanki appear in Todoroki’s room, but when Hibiki and Ibuki reveal Zanki’s fate, Todoroki angrily refuses to believe his mentor could be dead. As Kyousuke follows one of the boys that bullied him with Asumu on his trail, the approach of Orochi continues…


720p 60fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p 30fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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