Episode 25: Disturbance! The Red Sky!
Takeru is now more resolute in bringing Makoto’s body back from the Ganma world and Alain seems to have agreed to help. However, Akari is the one to stop them, as she senses that something is going through Alain’s mind and is determined to find out more. Alain, irritated at the way Akari is seeing through him, goes to Fumi’s takoyaki stall and Kanon is there. Suddenly, she falls unconscious. When Alain looks up, the sky is red…

We’re back with the 3rd Ghost BD Box! We’ve got 13 episodes this time since the final episode count of the series was 50 episodes. We should have this next set done by early next week, so enjoy!
One note about this episode: The broadcast version had a 3 minute Kamen Rider 45th Anniversary short talking about all the Showa and Heisei Riders, ending with a promo for the Kamen Rider 1 film. That anniversary short was not included on the BD version, so this episode is about 3 minutes shorter than the typical average.

1080p – Torrent (Nyaa) Magnet
720p – Torrent (Nyaa) Magnet
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