Episode 1: Pain is Power
As Super Sentai fanboy Akagi Nobuo, age 29, is hard at work in Akihabara, a woman named Hiroyo Hakase appears before him and asks him to “become Akiba Red!”

So, we’re adding another show to the “upgrade to BD” list, and this time, it’s a Sentai! …sort of. These releases will be sporadic, maybe one a week or so. Right now, I only have the BD ISOs for Season 1, but I’d like to do Season 2 as well if I can get the BDs.
We are, as usual, using the Over-Time subs, though we’ve made a few tweaks and additions. Unlike most of their shows, Toei offered up Akibaranger with subtitles on YouTube to East Asian countries, so using some of the translation notes left over in the O-T sub files, I’ve made a few translation revisions, as well as adding sign translations where possible. I’ve also added romanji lines for the OP and ED songs. Lastly, I’m also republishing the Episode Notes originally posted by O-T, with any new stuff added in. Those will be linked below.

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