All posts by OZC

Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 41

Episode 41 – Lullaby: Release the Heart

The Arms Monsters attempt to eliminate Otoya in order to be spared by the King, but none of them can go through with it and the trio decides to split up and run, but they don’t get before the King uses his dark Kiva powers to seal them into the weapons Wataru will use in the future, imprisoning them in Castle Doran. In 2008, Shima fires Kengo, who begs Wataru not to give up with Nago and the others, but Wataru won’t budge. But when a vision of Maya comes to him in a dream, will he find his resolve to believe in himself?


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 40

Episode 40 – Encore: Return of Nago’s IXA

Now aware that Maya is a Fangire, Yuri encounters her once more and intends to kill her, but Otoya stops her, suggesting a picnic, but she storms off. Maya takes her place, and afterward, Otoya passes the Fangire King, who tracks down the Arms Monsters and agrees to spare them if they’ll kill Otoya. In 2008, having regained his senses after Bishop released his Fangire nature, Wataru relapses into isolation as he fears that he’ll hurt another human, while Nago regains the IXA Knuckle, but finds himself facing Taiga as Wataru ignores the Bloody Rose’s call for Kiva…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 39

Episode 39 – Shout: Targeted Brother

Jiro fights a losing battle with the Fangire King, who has also tracked down Ramon and Riki to eliminate them all Arms Monsters, but the trio narrowly escape and run into Maya and Yuri, demanding that Maya act as a shield for them, but she quickly dispatches them, revealing to Yuri that she is a Fangire. Shocked, she confronts Otoya, who calmly says he knew, enraging Yuri. In 2008, Wataru questions his half-Fangire heritage and requests a meeting with Shima and the others to reveal his secret, telling them he intends to be the bridge between humanity and Fangires.


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 38

Episode 38 – Erlking: A Mother-Son Reunion

Mio and Wataru discover one another’s identities, along with Taiga realizing that as Kiva, Wataru is his half-bother. In denial, Wataru runs off, collapsing in the woods. Taiga decides to go speak to Maya to demand answers, while Nago attempts to coach Keno in the use of the IXA System, but his efforts don’t end well. In 1986, Otoya visits Yuri and tells her he intends to find Maya, while the Fangire King is confronted by Jiro as he summons a dark version of Kiva to finish off the Wolfen for good.


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 37

Episode 37 – Triangle: Behead the King

Mio reveals her feelings for Wataru as Taiga lurks nearby, discovering the truth for himself. As Wataru basks in his happiness, Taiga confronts Wataru and invites him to Mio and Taiga’s wedding, telling Wataru he’s always been weak. Jiro brings Wataru back to Castle Doran, suggesting he try once more to claim the Zanvat Sword by wishing for its power from his heart. Meanwhile, in 1986, Yuri confronts Maya, but Maya refuses to attack, knowing she’s taking something far more precious from her…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 36

Episode 36 – Revolutionary: Sword Legend

Bishop begins the preparations for the wedding of Taiga and Mio, but Mio admits she is in love with someone else and can’t go forward, enraging Taiga. Not realizing it is Wataru she loves, Taiga enlists the help of Wataru, who is himself blind to Mio’s true feelings, to try and determine who she has feelings for. When she meets with Kengo in the park, Taiga confronts her as Kengo attacks Wataru, but Jiro brings Watary back to Castle Doran to observe a mysterious sword embedded in the wall, said to be extremely powerful…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 35

Episode 35 – New Arrangement: Flying Rose

With the Bloody Rose complete, Otoya plays it for the first time for Maya, blessing it with a prayer to preserve music for all time. Yuri, fed up, runs off and encounters Jiro, who learns of the strange relationship between Otoya and Maya and confronts him about it. In 2008, with the Bloody Rose damaged due to Wataru’s state of mind, he attempts to fix it, but it lacks something that gives it power. Meanwhile, Mio begs Maya to release her from being Queen, but Maya explains that the power itself chooses the Queen, while Kengo is given the IXA Knuckle to Nago’s dismay.


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 34

Episode 34 – Noise: Melody of Destruction

Wataru celebrates his broken heart as he tries to move on from Mio, but it doesn’t seem like that will be easy as he still finds himself spending time with her and Taiga. While at an amusement park, an escaped prisoner takes a hostage and Nago attempt to defuse the situation but the newest member of the Blue Sky Group intervenes. It’s Kengo! And he’s sporting a new look and a new attitude, disrespecting both his former friend and his ex-mentor. Meanwhile, a scientist works to infuse one Fangire with the stolen powers of other Fangires, and Mio seeks an audience with Maya to come to terms with her role as queen…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 33

Episode 33 – Supersonic: Saga of Battle

After Maya defeats Dogga, she is surprised that Otoya has remained in spite of her true identity as a Fangire. She asks him once more for the answer to her question as she offers to help him construct a violin able to bring out his true talent. As they work side by side, Yuri watches with a pained heart as Otoya grows closer to the Fangire Queen. In 2008, Saga watches Kiva’s battle before retreating, while Wataru promises to stay by Mio’s side as the battle concludes. However, when Wataru discovers that Taiga’s fiancee is Mio, Wataru is crushed, despite Mio’s assurances that the pairing was arranged.


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 32

Episode 32 – New World: Another Kiva

In 1986, Yuri is happy after defeating Rook and suggests marriage to Otoya, who is taken aback. Soon after, he runs into Maya, who is playing the violin and poses a question to him about her playing before she leaves to visit her infant son. But when Riki attacks her as she visits Otoya to see if he knows the answer to her question, her role as Fangire Queen is revealed! In 2008, Wataru finds an injured Mio, and the two patch one another up, both unaware as to one another’s roles, while Taiga, Wataru’s first friend, and the Fangire King, reappears!


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