All posts by OZC

Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 43

Volume Forty-Three: Unchangeable Body

After being crushed by a giant Makamou, Todoroki is rushed to the hospital, but while he survives, his prognosis is grim as he may never become an Oni again, driving him deep into depression while Zanki struggles with the situation. At the same time, Hibiki continues to train the boys, but Kyousuke’s arrogance and lack of physical skill holds him back, until he erupts with frustration at Hibiki…


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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 42

Volume Forty-Two: Raging Monsters

With Orochi approaching, the number of Makamou has risen sharply, straining the Oni and their ability to handle it. With Hibiki taking Asumu and Kyousuke as his apprentices, the Oni are down even more, but even amidst the training, Hibiki rushes into battle, while Todoroki is gravely injured as he and Ibuki are overwhelmed…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 21

Episode 21 – Rhapsody: The Fate of the Ring

After Yuri treats Otoya to a meal to thank him for what he did during the wedding incident, Jiro becomes angry at Otoya’s affection for Yuri, prompting Jiro to propose to her! Stunned, she isn’t sure whether to accept, but Shima thinks it’s a good idea. In her frustration, Yuri sets up a group date where Otoya runs into an old friend. Meanwhile, in 2008, Kengo suggests to Nago, Wataru, and Megumi a group date of their own, where things go poorly, including the antics of a clumsy waitress…


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Rider Time Kamen Rider Shinobi Complete Series Batch

Complete Series Batch

In the year 2022, society has adopted a ninja way of life. Kagura Rentaro lives in this era with his sister Iroha and his friend Konjo Isamichi as he secretly protects the people as Kamen Rider Shinobi! When the mysterious Rainbow Serpent Clan dispatches an assassin to kill him and the mysterious Kamen Rider Hattari appears to unmask him, Rentaro fights to defend his sister, save his life, and protect his secret identity!


Time for the second of the Zi-O supplemental Rider Time miniseries with Kamen Rider Shinobi! This three-episode miniseries gives us a glimpse at the future history of Shinobi, the source of one of Woz’ Miridewatch powers seen in Zi-O!


These episodes feature a pair of sub tracks, with the main track being from RiderTime-Earthly’s joint release, and a second Revised track that swaps some of the terms to match Over-Time’s versions from the Zi-O episodes with Shinobi. The styling on that track also matches theirs. While normally, revised tracks take priority, in this case, RT-Earthly’s track gets top billing as they had the only full release. Like the Ryuki miniseries, the short length has sent this right to a batch, so if any v2s are needed, they will be included in the final Zi-O batch at the end of the year Enjoy!


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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 41

Volume Forty-One: Awakening of Teacher and Student

After Akira’s attempt at transforming, the Oni return to Tachibana’s where Asumu and Kyousuke are scolded for their attempts to become Akira’s apprentices. However, the boys are firm in their resolve to begin their Oni training, troubling Hibiki. Meanwhile, Ichirou meets with the mysterious Man and Woman, who warn him of the destruction to come…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 20

Episode 20 – Nocturne: The Messiah of Love

As the Ladybug Fangire escapes from the Otoya-possessed Wataru, it takes Kengo and Keisuke as hostages to force Megumi into a fight as IXA. As “Otoya” tries to teach her about the resolve needed to be a warrior, she refuses to listen, and time is running out for the hostages. Meanwhile, in 1986, the actual Otoya runs into a mysterious woman at a wedding while looking for Yuri, who is revealed to be the queen of the Checkmate Four, Maya…


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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 40

Volume Forty: Approaching Orochi

A mysterious forest appears out of nowhere, causing the Oni to worry about what it could mean, and the mysterious Man and Woman also seem to be concerned with the new development. Meanwhile, Asumu believes he’s ready to become Hibiki’s apprentice while Kyousuke continues to beg Hibiki for the same thing, but both boys may be disappointed in his answer…


720p 60fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 19

Episode 19 – Fusion: Aura Storm

In 1986, Rook begins to target women getting married, and Yuri finds herself face to face with him when he shows up at a wedding she was attending. After his attack, she begs Jiro to let her use IXA, but he continues to refuse while Otoya creates a distraction and steals the IXA Knuckle. Meanwhile, in 2008, Wataru meets with Kengo once more, who is convinced that Kiva will be his inspiration for his music. But when they attempt to learn more about Kiva, Wataru finds himself out cold as his body is suddenly inhabited… by his father?!


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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 39

Volume Thirty-Nine: Your Beginning

After Hibiki is defeated by the fearsome Yobuko, Ibuki searches for Akira, while Todoroki is severely depressed over his perceived failure with Zanki. Meanwhile, Kyousuke stumbles upon Takeshi’s armory and attempts to transform into an Oni, while Asumu and Midori attempt to escape the clutches of the Makamou before they are devoured!


720p 60fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

720p 30fps – Torrent (AniDex)   Magnet

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