All posts by OZC

Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger Season 2 Episode 6

Episode 6: Delusional Cuties

After General Pain creates a new mascot character that exploits Akagi’s weakness for super smooth shiny robotic girls, the Akibarangers are swiftly defeated and the effects leak into the real world! Can they find a way to train Akagi to overcome his weakness and defeat the latest threat to reality?!

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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 16

Episode 16 – Player: The Rules of Cruelty

As Wataru and Shizuka try and help Rook, who they’ve nicknamed “Biggie”, recover his memories, he begins spending time with a young woman whose bike he helped fix. Their hope is this might jog his memory. Meanwhile, Jiro proposes an alliance with Otoya to take down Rook and protect Yuri, and Otoya tenuously agrees…


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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 15

Episode 15 – Resurrection: Checkmate Four

After Otoya is knocked out during his fight with Jiro, Yuri recovers the IXA Knuckle and plans to track down the man who murdered her mother. But when she faces the man, she is swiftly knocked out as Jiro arrives and also recognizes him… as the man who slaughtered the Wolfen race. He is Rook, of the Fangire’s Checkmate Four! Meanwhile, in 2008, Wataru and Shizuka encounter Rook, who seems to be suffering from amnesia…


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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 36

Volume Thirty-Six: Hungering Shuki

A mysterious Oni Armor, that gives the wearer the power of an Oni, has been stolen from a shrine. The thief uses it to attack Oni and Makamou alike; leaving the Oni wander what is the thief’s motives for using the armor. Meanwhile, Akira struggles with her hatred for the Makamou and what it means for her Oni training…


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Kamen Rider Hibiki Episode 35

Volume Thirty-Five: Bewildering Angel

Todoroki finds his romantic troubles are causing him increasing issues in battle as he loses focus, and Ibuki isn’t far behind him! As Zanki tries to help Todoroki regain his confidence and get back on Hinaka’s good side, Hibiki tries to give Asumu advice after the boy falls into a depression after what he saw involving Mochida, a matter which Hibiki himself doesn’t have much experience in himself…


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Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger Season 2 Episode 5

Episode 5: Delusion Imports

Luna’s misunderstanding causes a twisted delusion where Super Sentai is an adaptation of America’s popular Powerful Rangers franchise! With the Red and Green Powerful Rangers teaming up with Malsheena against the Akibarangers and their “knockoff” Super Sentai, could this be the end of the Super Sentai franchise forever?!

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Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger Season 2 Episode 4

Episode 4: Goddess of Delusions

Dealing with Luna quitting the team, Akagi learns that Yumeria got married during their time away from their life as the Unofficial Sentai, but her mother-in-law’s anti-otaku feelings create trouble for her. When Malsheena uses her own version of the Z-Cune to transform, and a monster spoils the Z-Cune Aoi film, it’s up to Yumeria to inspire Akagi’s delusions on a whole new level, but can they dodge the mother-in-law?!

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Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 14

Episode 14 – Pomp & Circumstance: The Shocking Purple Eye

After driving Jiro back, Otoya suffers from the side effects of the incomplete IXA System, but he puts on a front to deflect suspicions by Yuri. In 2008, Wataru pleads with Kengo to abandon the mysterious promoter, who he now suspects is a Fangire, but Kengo won’t listen…


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